Board of directors

We are a community of Business Women that counts hundreds of members all over Crete and our main goal is to promote and support Women’s Entrepreneurship. We are all volunteers and work with passion to create a supportive space for women that wish to start, promote, develop, and widen their business idea and goals. We enjoy networking and are filled with joy / fulfilled of the positive results that are actions bring. We thank each one of our association members for your support and good cooperation and look forward to continue to work together to promote Women’s Entrepreneurship!


The 17 factors of Sustainable Development cover a wide spectrum of activities that focus among other on Good Health & Well Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent work and economic growth, Reduction of Inequalities, Industry, innovation and infrastructure Responsible consumption and production, Climate Action, the creation of Partnerships to meet the goals, etc.

ASGEK is a pioneer Women Association in issues of sustainability and development, monitors all major international and local networks and communities that are focused and have as their main goal suitable growth.

Our goal is to continue to inform and raise awareness in our local communities, of the importance of the “Global Goals of Sustainability” with a vision to “shape” Active Citizens that will take action towards this major change of our planet until 2030.