Menegaki Titaki Evangelia

Menegaki Titaki Evangelia


Evangelia Menegaki is a graduate of the Midwifery School at the Aristotelio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, now the International Hellenic University.

She became involved in the wine industry after marrying winemaker Titlos Titakis, with whom she has three children.

She has over 15 years of experience at one of Crete's largest and oldest wineries, Titakis Winery.

She is responsible for the wine cellar in the city of Heraklion and contributed to the creation of the visitor space at the FABRIKA winery.

She has trained in the international wine tasting program WSET, which helped her master the art and philosophy of wine.

This knowledge led her to the innovative idea of wine gastronomy, the Wine Experience Box, which she developed business-wise through the Venture Garden of Alba Business School.

She has contributed for decades to Parent-Teacher Associations, serving as President. Today, she is a member of the Executive Committee of the Cretan Business Women Association.

  • Argiro Katheri Alternate Member