Women in a position of responsibility. An issue with gradual steps of development.

Women in a position of responsibility. An issue with gradual steps of development.

In earlier times, women had limited access to positions of responsibility due to cultural and social traditions.

However, with the advancement of time and gender equality movements, the possibilities for women in the professional field have increased significantly. But is the situation we are in today satisfactory enough?

Definitely no. Despite advances, the proportion of women in positions of responsibility remains low in many areas, such as entrepreneurship, politics and scientific research. Nevertheless, there are many women who manage to reach high positions of responsibility, proving their ability.

Women face many difficulties when they try to take positions of responsibility in the professional field and develop. In many countries, women make up more than 50% of the population, but the male population continues to hold the power and the greatest opportunities for advancement.

1. Inequality of Opportunity: In many fields, women may face inequality in promotion and pay opportunities compared to their male colleagues.

2. Prejudice and Stereotypes: Many times, women face prejudice and barriers from their own colleagues or from employers, which can limit their opportunities for promotion. For example, a frequent stereotypical characteristic that they blame on a woman was that she is possessed of kindness, gentleness, sensitivity, as a result of which it is considered that these characteristics are not "fit" for a leadership position in a company but in different professions such as teacher, social worker and in general occupations related only to social service. Contrasted are the characteristics that are clearly supposed to be possessed by only men such as fist, determination, bravery and are perfectly suited to a manager or director.

3. Coping with Family Responsibilities: Women often bear the brunt of family responsibilities, such as childcare and family care, which can make it difficult for them to commit to work or their ability to take on positions responsibility that require a long period of time.  Let's not forget that many women do not have support until the children go to school so that they can devote proper time to their careers as well.

4. Lack of Support and Guidance: Women may struggle when they do not have access to support and guidance from mentors or role models who could help them advance in their careers.

But every problem has its solution. What are the opportunities arising from this and what is the appropriate management of the issue to bring balance between the two sexes in positions of responsibility?

1. Training and Development Programs: Many companies and organizations should offer training and development programs aimed at enhancing the skills and abilities of women, allowing them to show their potential and be promoted to positions of responsibility that have the company needs.

2. Mentoring Programs: Participating in programs can provide women with valuable support, guidance and inspiration from experienced professionals, helping them develop their skills and face career challenges.

3. Support Networks: Participating in support networks and professional organizations can provide women with the opportunity to connect with other professionals, exchange ideas and experiences, and strengthen their presence in the professional space.

4. Promotional Policies: Some companies and government bodies have implemented policies to promote gender equality and diversity in the workplace, promoting the participation and promotion of women in positions of responsibility and gender equality. These opportunities can create a more favorable professional environment for women and provide them with the tools and support they need to succeed in positions of responsibility.

5. Mental Toughness:  On an individual level, each one of us should be prepared for the obstacles that we will face and be ready to overcome them and strive towards our goal regardless of where they come from. Let the obstacles be the occasion to use our inner strength to achieve our goal.

6. Creating infrastructure to support the family and its responsibilities until children go to school to free up women who want to continue working. (however, it is not always possible to ¨the child is held by a grandfather and a grandmother).

Good luck!