The Cretan Women in Business Association (CWA) was established in 2003 by Maria Pitsikaki – honorary President – and has 900+ members, women entrepreneurs from all over Crete and every industry.
Our main aim is to help, support, empower and connect women on the island of Crete and beyond. In order to achieve that, we propose to governmental bodies, solutions on issues that would benefit women and allow them to smoothly operate their business and combine work and personal life. We work to promote gender equality in all aspects of life: financial, cultural and political.
Our Aims
- To empower of our members to get educated, continue their professional training, learn new skills, elaborate on their abilities and advance in knowledge and expertise in their field for their personal advancement and progress and that of the general good.
- To consult and advice our members on subjects of professional training, education and business ethics and culture aiming to ensure their success in the business world.
- To promote women entrepreneurship creating a healthy environment with our good networking and cooperation with the municipalities, the region of Crete, the government, as well as, other women associations throughout Greece, the European Union and International organizations.
- To participate in national and European programs for the promotion of women's entrepreneurship.
- To cultivate the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance among our members, creating opportunities of collaborations and synergies.
- To encourage networking, cooperation, friendship and synergies among business and professional working women throughout Europe.
To achieve all of the above, the association:
Addresses public, administrative, and judicial authorities, the local government, other social groups in Greece and abroad, and representatives of social organizations, on any issue relating to the professional interests of its members.
Initiates and facilitates the education, training, mentoring and support of women entrepreneurs.
Through our various activities we aim to improve the economic and social position of women, as well as to enhance their business abilities
Education & Training
CWA offers seminars, workshops and educational programs that enhance its members’ soft skills. Through these, women gain the knowledge they need to succeed in the business world
Self-confidence boosting
Being part of a community of women entrepreneurs boosts the confidence and sense of community of its members. Sharing experiences, support and female solidarity encourage women to express their dynamism in the world of entrepreneurship.
a. Weaving - Handicrafts. A major innovation is the training of weavers, members of the association. For the past 10 years, they have been trained to create innovative weaving products, which are promoted through fashion shows and presentations at exhibitions and fairs. Notable is the collaboration with FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology) and the documentary created on the evolution of weaving from the Minoan era to the present.
b. It systematically studies and monitors the business activities of women in Crete, gathers statistical and informational data, and strives to intervene effectively with positive actions. It publishes press releases and maintains a presence on all social media platforms to inform the public, local authorities and its members.
The members of the board participate in the following boards:
- Regional Council of Cretan Region
- Tourism Department Municipality of Heraklion, Tourism Department
- Heraklion Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- National Chamber Network of Greek Women Entrepreneurs" (EEDEGE)
- Federation of Small Business Owners & Craftsmen of Heraklion
- Educational Development Company PLOIGOS of the Region of Crete
It collaborates with educational institutions & organizations:
- University of Crete & Hellenic Mediterranean University
- European Foundation of Research & Technology (ITE)
- Eco-incubator – Cocomat Athens
- Foundation of Research & Development & Cultural Center «Hellenic World»
- Cultural Organization “Branding Heritage”
- Education Center «Athens Fashion Club» (designer Maria Vitinidou)
Yearly Themed Exhibition of Business Women in the center of Heraklion
Through networking, women can find support, exchange ideas and build professional partnerships
Summer open- air Fair: Every year, it organizes the traditional 10-day Exhibition-Festival for its members at the center of Heraklion, featuring Cretan homemade and handcrafted products. Significant and interesting parallel activities and awards for our members.
It participates in exhibitions in Greece and abroad, promoting the products of its members. With the guidance of the association, dozens of members take part in exhibitions both in Greece and abroad.
Eligible to become a member is every Cretan Woman entrepreneur, artist, self-employed, business owner, trader, agent, as well as, all primary women cooperatives.